Treating Gum Disease

Gum disease, at its advanced stage, is one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adults. If caught early it's very easy to treat, even reverse, with the right health habits. Habits which should include regular cleanings and checkups with your Gaithersburg, MD, dentist, Dr. Alice Lau. Get in contact for more information.

Plaque and Gum Disease

Every day plaque builds on your teeth and brushing and flossing help to keep it at bay. But many factors can allow plaque to accumulate. Teeth that are crooked or somehow misshapen can create difficult-to-reach areas, but even without these problems if you are not seeing your dentist on a regular basis you may not be removing all the plaque from your teeth.

If it isn't removed it hardens with the minerals in our saliva into a substance called tartar, which cannot be dealt with at home.

It's the bacteria that live in tartar and plaque that create acids that lead to gum disease and wear away the enamel on your teeth.

Gum Disease Treatment in Gaithersburg, MD

The good news is that gum disease at an early stage, called gingivitis, can be reversed simply with professional teeth cleaning by your dentist and with good dental practices at home. If allowed to progress, then more invasive procedures may be required to eliminate the infection and its source.

Deep cleaning methods such as scaling and root planning can scrape off the tartar from very difficult areas. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics for infections that don't go away after cleanings. While being treated you may have to come into the office every 3 to 6 months to check on your progress.

Surgery may be required for areas where gum disease persists and is not accessible to cleaning by other means.

Treat gum disease early and help prevent it by brushing and flossing your teeth daily and by scheduling an appointment today. Call Dr. Lau in Gaithersburg, MD, by dialing (301) 921-8899.

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