Do I Need a Root Canal?

If your dentist just suggested that you get a root canal, there's nothing to be afraid of. This procedure has evolved over the years and is now much more comfortable. Your Gaithersburg, MD, dentist, Dr. Alice Lau, performs root canals to save your teeth.

What Is a Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure where your dentist removes the infected or inflamed pulp tissue of your tooth. Due to the rich blood and nerve supply to your pulp tissue, infections and inflammation can be very painful. Advancement in modern dentistry has made the root canal procedure almost painless. Your Gaithersburg, MD, dentist, Dr. Lau will offer you an anesthetic to reduce your discomfort.

Signs You Need a Root Canal

  • Severe Tooth Pain You should report all forms of tooth pain and discomfort to your dentist. If you're experiencing a toothache that comes in waves, you might need a root canal. Your pain could also worsen when you put pressure on the affected tooth when lying down, chewing, or brushing your teeth.
  • Gum Swelling or Inflammation Swollen or inflamed gums might indicate a tooth pulp infection. You might also notice swelling in your face and neck. Treating your inflammation with over-the-counter medication relieves your symptoms but leaves the cause behind. You'll need to see your dentist to determine if a root canal might help.
  • Severe Temperature Sensitivity Some degree of sensitivity to temperatures such as a hot cup of tea or ice cream is normal. However, extreme tooth sensitivity tells you that something is wrong with your tooth and you need your dentist's help.
  • Discoloration Tooth discoloration could occur due to your diet or as part of normal aging. However, if a single tooth suddenly takes on a darker appearance or contains an unusual dark spot, it might mean you have tooth decay. Darkening gums could also mean that your tooth infection is spreading to your gums. Don't hesitate to consult with your dentist about unusual stains on your teeth.
  • Abscess or Fistula Development A pocket of pus called an abscess can develop in your tooth due to infection. They can cause discomfort, swollen gums, and need medical attention. Bumps on your gums called fistula can also develop due to an infection.

If you're experiencing these signs, it's time to report to your dentist in Gaithersburg, MD, Dr. Lau, to determine if you need a root canal treatment. Call (301) 921-8899 to schedule your appointment.

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